Sound of Time Museum

Unique collection of mechanical musical instruments with rare items.

Discover the world of true organ grinders! The collection includes an organola, an orchestrion, and one of the four Brugger organs still accessible in Russia.

Time Salon Museum

Clock and watch the museum with a unique atmosphere and philosophy.

Over two hundred “timeless” time-measuring mechanisms: skeleton watches, a theatre clock, guardian watches, flower-petal clocks, luxurious antique items, simple peasant clocks, as well as an organ clock dating back to the 18th century.

Printing History Museum

Learn about printing in the Russian Empire and make your very own commemorative coin!

This unique museum originally worked at the Peter and Paul Fortress in St. Petersburg. The museum is headed by Nikolay Serdyukov, a hereditary graphic artist. The exposition includes 16 old-style printing presses.

The museum is also producing various types of graphic works that are available for purchase.

Angel Museum

What are angels? When and why did they appear? Does an unchristened person have a guardian angel? Visit this museum to learn all this and more!

The Angel Museum allows visitors to “reach for the skies.” The collection includes angels made from various materials.
The museum is dedicated to Vyatskoye Village peasant Pyotr Telushkin.

In 1829, Pyotr, using only ropes and a rope ladder, single-handedly repaired an angel’s wing and the spire of a cathedral inside the Peter and Paul Fortress in St. Petersburg.

Merchants Brother Urlovs’ Apartments Museum

Visit a 19th-century hotel room. Interiors are presented in a unified style. All items are fully functional yet timelessly elegant.

Fatyanovo Culture Park

Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece, Babylon, Fatyanovo? Learn about the ancient history of the great Russian plains.

What was Russia like when pharaohs ruled the world and built pyramids? The Fatyanovo culture refers to the people who lived in the vicinity of the current Fatyanovo Village in the Yaroslavl Governorate.

A cemetery was discovered here in 1873. This culture is still shrouded in many mysteries.

The Wonderful World of Mechanisms and Machinery

Learn about the inventors of various technologies.

The museum exhibits early models of phones, typewriters, copying machines, calculating machines, optical devices, and cashboxes, as well as cinema and photography equipment. Both the imperial and Soviet periods are covered. The museum also houses agricultural devices and workbenches saved from the famous Ponizovkin Factory.


Russian Entrepreneurship Museum

The exposition is partially multimedia-based.

This museum served as the launchpad for the restoration and formation of Vyatskoye Village and its museums.

Learn about the history of Vyatskoye Village from the Middle Ages to the Soviet period by studying the items of the various entrepreneurs who lived here. Some items date back to a thousand years.

Kitchen Machinery Museum

We’ve grown accustomed to having vacuum cleaners, fridges, electric kettles, microwave ovens, etc. Learn how our ancestors dealt without all these comforts.

The exposition includes time-tested peasant devices and quite hi-tech items: potato peelers, weights, Easter cake moulds, samovars, toasters and one of the earliest models of vacuum cleaners.

Kids World Museum, New Year, All Year exhibition

Enjoy the magical holiday spirit!

The museum is open all year round. Guests can take part in winter festivities at any time.

The exhibition showcases the collection of Alexander Oleshko. The Honoured Artist gradually gathered these items over many years of touring Russia.

Museum of the Restored Relic


The main exhibit is the 18th-century Book of Gospels.

The gilded silver book was stolen from the church but has since been reinstated to its proper home. The museum is located in a basement room with arched ceilings, fully in line with the patriarchal spirit of the village. A special interactive stand allows visitors to read the book.

Association of the Most Beautiful Villages HQ

Since 2020, the Association of the Most Beautiful Villages has been headquartered at Vyatskoye Village.
In 2015, Vyatskoye Village became the first member of the association.

This society is dedicated to developing smaller villages and townships all around Russia.

The HQ houses a collection of autographs and various reading materials. Two spacious rooms are used for hosting meetings, seminars, and training sessions.


Those Circus Lights exhibition

The Russian circus is justly famous; our performers have received numerous awards at international festivals.

The earliest circuses formed in Russia around 100 years ago. Soviet circus has a very recognizable style. The exhibition is based around the theme collection of Alexander Oleshko.

Museum of Russian Games

Old Russian amusements and games.

The museum includes various types of forgotten amusements and games that Russian people used to enjoy: swings, merry-go-rounds, Pancake Week Ferris wheel, etc.

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